<desc>specifies whether the controls should use dynamic border coloring, if possible.
Dymamic border coloring means that when the mouse is hovered over a control, and when a control receives the focus, this is indicated with special border colors.</desc>
<group oor:name="InternalMSExport">
<desc>Contains internal MSExport settings that are common for all apps.</desc>
<desc>Specifies if an old ( 5.0 format )way instead of a new one ( 6.0 OLE embedded document ) should be used for export of inplace objects in case MS-filters are not used for them.</desc>
<group oor:name="Passwords">
<desc>Contains a description of the persistent password container.</desc>
<desc>Contains a list of passwords encoded with the master password.</desc>
<group oor:name="_3D_Engine">
<desc>Specifies settings for the 3D engine.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Dithering" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>Specifies if dithering is used to display more colors with few colors available.</desc>
<label>Use Dithering</label>
<prop oor:name="OpenGL" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>Specifies if 3D graphics from Draw and Impress will be displayed on the user's system using an OpenGL capable hardware. If the system does not have an OpenGL capable hardware, this setting will be ignored. The 3D display is always done per software.</desc>
<desc>Specifies whether all geometry data will be simultaneously transferred in an array to the graphic driver. Not every graphic driver correctly supports this OpenGL capability. For this reason, this option can be deactivated in case of presentation errors of 3D output. All geometry data will be then transferred as single components. This option is only available if OpenGL is used, otherwise it is disabled.</desc>
<label>Optimized output</label>
<prop oor:name="ShowFull" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>Specifies interaction with full display. If a 3-D object is rotated or moved, the full display is rotated or moved and not a grid frame.</desc>
<label>Object refresh during interaction</label>
<group oor:name="AutoCorrect">
<desc>Contains miscellaneous settings for the auto correction.</desc>
<desc>Specifies if defined abbreviations should be taken into account to exclude a preceding capital letter.</desc>
<label>Abbreviations (no subsequent capital letter) - Add automatically</label>
<group oor:name="Cache">
<desc>Specifies cache related options.</desc>
<group oor:name="DrawingEngine">
<desc>Specifies the cache related options for the drawing engine.</desc>
<prop oor:name="OLE_Objects" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Determines the maximum number of OLE objects that can be held in RAM for drawings, presentations and inserted drawing objects. The fewer OLE objects contained in RAM, the more space is available for other functions. The more OLE objects in RAM, the faster you can page through the objects since they do not always need to be loaded from the hard drive.</desc>
<group oor:name="Writer">
<desc>Specifies the cache related options for Writer.</desc>
<prop oor:name="OLE_Objects" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Determines the maximum number of OLE objects that can be held in RAM for the writer. The fewer OLE objects contained in RAM, the more space is available for other functions. The more OLE objects in RAM, the faster you can page through the objects since they do not always need to be loaded from the hard drive.</desc>
<group oor:name="GraphicManager">
<desc>Specifies a group of graphic manager cache options.</desc>
<desc>Specifies additional folders containing a global user interface configuration. The final user interface configuration is merged from UserConfig and from these folders.</desc>
<desc>Specifies the path of the work folder, which can be modified according to the user's needs. The path specified here can be seen in the Open or Save dialog.</desc>
<group oor:name="Default">
<desc>Contains the default values of all the paths, which can be modified according to the user's needs. They are used when pressing the Standard-button in the Options dialog.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Addin" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the default directory that contains spreadsheet add-ins which use the old add-in API.</desc>
<desc>Specifies the default directories for the global user interface configuration. The final user interface configuration is merged from UserConfig and from these folders.</desc>
<value oor:separator=":"/>
<prop oor:name="UserConfig" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the default directory which stores the user settings.</desc>
<desc>Specifies a substitution of the requested font, even if this font is available on the user's system.</desc>
<group oor:name="View">
<desc>Contains the settings for the font selection box in the object bar.</desc>
<prop oor:name="History" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>Contains the last five fonts, which are shown on the top of a list, beginning with the last one. This list will be displayed on the font-name-box of the object bar.</desc>
<desc>Specifies that If this option is set to true, the new development chart library is used instead of the standard one. Do not set this option to true unless you know exactly what to do. This new library will be unstable and incomplete most of the time. This flag will be removed when the new library is in a stable state.</desc>
<desc>Specifies if the all open windows and documents should be saved. If set to true, the URLs of all open documents and all view properties of all open views are saved when terminating the application.</desc>
<label>Open documents</label>
<group oor:name="Document">
<desc>Contains settings which specify how documents are saved.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Unpacked" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>Saves OOo 6.0 XML file documents unpacked into a directory. Documents are represented by the directory content and not by a single file.</desc>
<desc>Specifies whether all currently open windows of a document should be saved. If true the view properties for all open document views of that document are saved.</desc>
<desc>Specifies if files saved in the OOo 6.0 XML file formats should be in pretty printing format. Saving and loading the document takes more time in pretty printing format.</desc>
<desc>If the option is set, every time a user triggers a plain Save operation, SaveAs operation with possible additional user notifications will be started.</desc>
<group oor:name="Graphic">
<desc>Contains settings on how graphics contained in a document should be saved.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Format" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies how graphics contained in a document are saved.</desc>
<desc>Lists all trustworthy URLs: file: All scripts from the local file system including a LAN; private:explorer: Scripts from the Explorer; private:help: Scripts in the help system; private:newmenu: Scripts that are executed by the commands File-New and AutoPilot; private:schedule: Scripts of the scheduler; private:searchfolder: Scripts of the searchfolder; private:user: Scripts that are entered in the URL field.</desc>
<prop oor:name="OfficeBasic" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Determines how Office Basic scripts should be handled.</desc>
<desc>Specifies whether the macro execution is disabled in general. If it is set to true, the "MacroSecurityLevel" is ignored. If it is set to false, the mentioned entry specified the level of macro security.</desc>
<desc>Specifies type of bitmap reduction: 0 - Automatically determine optimal resolution, 1 - Use original resolution, 2 - User defined resolution.</desc>
<desc>Specifies the type of bitmap reduction: 0 - Automatically determine optimal resolution, 1 - Use original resolution, 2 - User defined resolution.</desc>
<desc>Specifies the name of the stylesheet used to display help content.</desc>
<group oor:name="HelpAgent">
<desc>Specifies the properties of the HelpAgent.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Enabled" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>Specifies whether the HelpAgent is enabled.</desc>
<label>enable HelpAgent</label>
<prop oor:name="Timeout" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies the time-out value in seconds after which the HelpAgent is closed automatically if ignored by the user.</desc>
<label>HelpAgent timeout</label>
<prop oor:name="RetryLimit" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies how often the user must ignore a given HelpAgent topic until it is disregarded in the future (any requests for this topic will be dropped silently).</desc>
<desc>Specifies the logical size of a graphic. [UNIT=1/100 mm].</desc>
<group oor:name="EPS">
<desc>Specifies default settings of the EPS - Encapsulated Postscript export dialog.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Preview" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if a preview graphic should be exported together with the Encapsulated PostScript file. Due to the fact that most programs can't render eps graphics, it is useful to provide a preview that can be displayed as replacement. The preview graphic will also be printed if the printer is not capable of Postscript.</desc>
<desc>Interchange (EPSI) - 1 bit color resolution</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="3">
<desc>TIFF and EPSI</desc>
<prop oor:name="Version" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies the PostScript version that has to be used for the EPS export. Because not every PostScript printer is capable of version 2 PostScript, it is sometimes necessary to create version 1 PostScript graphics. PostScript Level 1 does not support color and bitmap compression.</desc>
<label>Version - Level 1 / Level 2</label>
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<desc>Version 1 PostScript</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="2">
<desc>Version 2 PostScript</desc>
<prop oor:name="ColorFormat" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if color or grayscale format is used for the EPS export. This option is not available for version 1 PostScript files.</desc>
<desc>Specifies if bitmaps are exported by using the LZW (Lempel - Ziv - Welch) compression algorithm. Compression is only available for level 2 PostScript files.</desc>
<label>Compression - LZW encoding / None</label>
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<desc>LZW compression</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="2">
<desc>No compression</desc>
<prop oor:name="TextMode" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if glyph outlines are exported. They produce the highest quality and it is the only possible way to create EPS files that are CJK compliant. Not using glyphs will produce smaller files, but it might lead to problems if not all fonts are available during printing.</desc>
<label>Export text using glyph outlines - always / never</label>
<enumeration oor:value="0">
<desc>Glyph outlines</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<desc>No glyph outlines</desc>
<group oor:name="GIF">
<desc>Specifies default settings of the GIF - Graphics Interchange export dialog.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Interlaced" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if graphics should be exported using interlace. It is recommended for big pictures to activate interlace, so the content can be displayed immediately when loading the picture.</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="0">
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<prop oor:name="Translucent" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if the graphic background is stored as transparent.</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="0">
<desc>No transparency</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<group oor:name="JPG">
<desc>Specifies default settings of the JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group export dialog.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Quality" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies quality of the JPG export. A higher value results in higher quality and file size.</desc>
<minInclusive oor:value="1">
<desc>Represents lowest value that can be used. The lower the value, the less good is the compression quality and the bigger is be the file size.</desc>
<maxInclusive oor:value="100">
<desc>Represents highest value that can be used. The higher the value, the better is the compression quality and the smaller is the file size.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ColorMode" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if graphics are exported using true color or grayscale.</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="0">
<desc>True colors</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<group oor:name="MET">
<desc>Specifies if graphics are exported with the original- or selected size.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ExportMode" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if graphics are exported with the original- or selected size.</desc>
<desc>Specifies the logical size of a graphic. [UNIT=1/100 mm].</desc>
<group oor:name="PNG">
<desc>Specifies default settings of the PNG - Portable Network Graphic export dialog.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Compression" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies export compression settings which ranges from 0 (no compression) to 9 (maximum compression). The calculating time increases with an ascending compression value.</desc>
<minInclusive oor:value="0">
<desc>Represents lowest value that can be used. The lower the value, the lower the compression quality and the larger the file size.</desc>
<maxInclusive oor:value="9">
<desc>Represents the highest value that can be used. The higher the value, the higher the compression quality and the smaller the file size.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Interlaced" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if graphics should be exported using interlace. It is recommended for big pictures to activate interlace, so the content can be displayed immediately when loading the picture.</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="0">
<desc>Deactivate interlace mode</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<desc>Activate interlace mode</desc>
<group oor:name="HTML">
<desc>Contains settings for HTML import/export.</desc>
<desc>Specifies if graphics are exported to PDF using a lossless compression eg. PNG or if they are compressed using the JPEG format.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Quality" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies quality of the JPG export. A higher value results in higher quality and file size.</desc>
<minInclusive oor:value="1">
<desc>Represents lowest value that can be used. The lower the value, the less good is the compression quality and the bigger is be the file size.</desc>
<maxInclusive oor:value="100">
<desc>Represents highest value that can be used. The higher the value, the better is the compression quality and the smaller is the file size.</desc>
<desc>Determines if the system's file and folder pickers should be used. If false, the proprietary file/folder picker implementations will be used. Relevant on platforms where file/folder picker integration is implemented.</desc>
<prop oor:name="SymbolSet" oor:type="xs:short">
<desc>Specifies which symbol set is used for the toolbars.</desc>
<desc>Enables or disables the property browser's access to form/control properties which are not officially supported.</desc>
<prop oor:name="FirstRun" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>Specifies if the office has never before been started.</desc>
<group oor:name="Forms">
<desc>contains settings for the form layer of the applications.</desc>
<group oor:name="ControlLayout">
<desc>specifies certain default layout settings for form controls. All those settings can be overruled in concrete documents, they specify creation-time defaults only.</desc>
<desc>Determines the type of character distance compression in Asian text: 0 - no compression; 1 - compress punctuation only; 2 - compress interpunction an japanese kana.</desc>
<desc>Contains the characters at which lines are not allowed to begin or to end. For each locale there is a separate entry with the locale as its node name.</desc>
<desc>Enables the automatic detection of a high contrast mode set for your desktop. Some OS' do not provide this option explicitly, but allow the user to choose a color scheme that is HC-compliant implicitly, which is recognized if the option is set.</desc>
<desc>Enables or disables the automatic time out of help tips. You can specify a duration (n) of 1 to 99 seconds. If this option is disabled, press the Esc key to dismiss the help tip.</desc>
<desc>Enables or disables the automatic time out of help tips. You can specify a duration (n) of 1 to 99 seconds. If this option is disabled, press the Esc key to dismiss the help tip.</desc>
<label>Help tips disappear after</label>
<minInclusive oor:value="1">
<desc>Specifies the number of seconds to wait before displaying a help tip.</desc>
<maxInclusive oor:value="99">
<desc>Specifies the number of seconds to display a help tip.</desc>
<desc>Indicates whether to allow the graphical animation in all SO/OO applications (i.e. animated GIFs and objects in Impress during presentation, animated graphical previews (Gallery, Insert-Graphics-From File, Animation Tool in Impress.)</desc>
<desc>Controls the behavior of the IIIMP status window on Unix. If true, the status window is always displayed. If false, the status window is never displayed. If nil (the default), the status window is displayed depending on the current locale.</desc>
<group oor:name="CJK">
<desc>Contains settings for the Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean,...) layout.</desc>
<prop oor:name="CJKFont" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>Specifies, whether CJK font settings are available (true) or not (false).</desc>
<desc>Specifies whether CTL strings are checked restricted for the correct input sequence(true) or not (false). Is only effective when CTLSequenceChecking is true.</desc>
<desc> Specifies whether the whole user interface (UI) will be mirrored. If true, the UI will be right-to-left. If false, the UI will be left-to-right. If nil (the default), the UI will be mirrored depending on the office locale. </desc>